12th HKIR Scouts Leader Training Web

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2002/ 2003年度活動與訓練行事曆



Cyberscout 的網頁有資料如童軍基本理念, 少年警探 Scouting for Boys, 遠足教材 (遠足教材下載, 推薦遠足路徑), 露營教材, 野外定向訓練班講義, 營火歌集, 刀的使用, 刀斧應用, 密碼等), 以供下載.


Simple foot drill commands 簡單步操口令

Procedure Commands
1. Find Right Marker 集會 Troop Fall in
2. Dressing Dressing right dress, eyes front
3. Stand at ease Troop Stand at ease
4. Stand Attention Troop alert
5. Turning (when stood attention) 


Troop right turn,
Troop left turn,
Troop about turn (turn right 180o).
6. Match 步操 By the left (or right), quick march
    Direction changing while matching    步操時改變方向 By the right, right wheel (or left wheel)


港島地域的位置  Hong Kong Region HQ Map?

大潭童軍中心 (Tai Tam Scout Centre)

Scout training website and a manual for games by Benny Chan (thanks)

更多步操口令 (more on foot drill commands) by Benny Chan


六個初級繩結 By Scout Association HK